cultivator, Inc.
1228 East Main Street
Murfreesboro, NC
Cultivator, Inc. is a 501C-3 nonprofit located in Murfreesboro, NC. Founded in August of 2016, with the mission to create greater book access in our rural, economically challenged area. Cultivator Bookstore was only bookstore in an hours drive in all directions. It featured a large selection of books by and about local people as well as a large selection of used fiction and nonfiction. It was located in an historic Main Street storefront that had been vacant for several years prior. In April 2020, Cultivator Bookstore closed due to the global pandemic. In May 2020, we started a bookmobile service and became Cultivator Bookmobile. In July 2020, we became a mobile food pantry. Our headquarters is now located in the old Lion's Club building in Murfreesboro. For more info about Cultivator or to make a donation, please feel free to contact me at and please follow our social media on FB, IG, and Twitter.